\n Prescribed fire is one of the most versatile and cost-effective tools landowners and land managers use to reduce hazardous fuel buildup. \n Thus, providing increased protection to life, property, and natural resources. \n It also helps control disease in young pine trees, improve wildlife habitat, manage rangeland, preserve endangered plant and animal species, and maintain fire-dependent ecosystems.\n
\n\n\n According to the 2018 National Prescribed Fire Use Survey Report, the thirteen states in the southeast region led the nation in total acres (7.6 million) treated with prescribed fire. \n However, that same report documented that weather was the top impediment limiting prescribed fire use not only in the Southeast, but nationwide.\n
\n\n\n The Prescribed Burn Planner (PBP) application is a new tool developed to provide land managers with a decision support system that will allow the burn manager to:\n
\n NOTE: The PBP is currently available only to select state forestry agency personnel and key partners within the following states: Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, and Virginia.\n
\n\n\n To begin planning your burns, sign in with a PBP account and navigate to the Burn Map.\n
\n Tutorial Video\n